Monday, December 1, 2008

Bitter Party of One

I've been all excited about getting my CFMB's for the last week. I was a little peeved when the FedEx tracking info said they were in the same city as me on Tuesday and yet, I wasn't scheduled to get them until Saturday. Are you serious? Why did it take from Tuesday to Saturday for them to get to me? I know Thanksgiving happened in there, but they sat in some warehouse here in town from Tuesday until Saturday. Since I had them delivered to the office and we are closed on Saturdays, I had to wait until today to get them. I couldn't contain myself. I was waiting with baited breath waiting for the mail girl to come around with her cart. The big box arrived and I tore into it with wreckless abandon. The boots were beautiful! All shiny and definitely CFM worthy! I slipped the right one on my foot and I knew instantly things were not going to work out. Even though the Web site promised these boots would fit my thick (aka FAT) calves, they are big fat, heinous liars because they didn't fit me! I was mad. I was beyond mad, I was bitter. Yes, bitter party of one, yes you with the fat calves, your table is now available!

I boxed the boots back up and put the return shipping tag on them. I am a little bitter about the fact that I have to pay for the return shipping on the boots! Had the web site just given the correct measurements, I wouldn't have ordered the boots in the first place. In order to get the boots to fit, I would have needed to order a 12... I wear a 9. Yeah, not really gonna work. So, no CFMB's for me.

On a brighter note, I got to feed the ducks today. I brought home some stale bagels from the office. The ducks loved them. So, one time down, four more to go. Feeding the ducks made me a little less bitter about my boots, but it didn't completely erase my bitterness. I will take my thick calves and search for some boots for my thick-ass calves. TTFN, Diva

1 comment:

Mary said...

try free shipping both ways and you get them overnight.

randomly found your sight through the 101 in 1001 website, thought I'd pass on a great website.