Tuesday, December 9, 2008

#92 done... sort of

After the debacle with the first pair of CFMB's I was a little bitter and very discouraged. All I wanted was a pair of CFMB's. What's so difficult about that, why should it be so hard? Other women manage to get a pair of CFMB's, cut a girl with thick calves some slack. Why do girls with thin calves get to have all the fun?

I got back on the shoe horse and found another pair of CFMB that were guaranteed to fit. I wasn't holding my breath because the last pair was supposed to fit. I am accustomed to disappointment when it comes to CFMB's. The new pair of boots arrived on Friday. I took them out of the box and when I put the first one on, it wouldn't zip. RUFKM? WTH? Are the CFMB gods just against me or what? Do they not want a girl with thick calves to let some hottie know it's okay to CFM?

I was completely bitter by this time. Really, why is finding a pair of CFMB's so hard? I tried the other boot on and the stupid thing zipped up. WTF? One will zip up and the other one won't? Is there that big of a difference in my calves? I was convinced I was just a big freak with massive calves who will never get a pair of CFMB's.

I guess I was glutton for punishment because I thought I should try the other boot on again. I tugged and pulled and prayed and by the grace of some higher being, the stupid boot zipped up! You've got to be kidding me. What was different the second time I tried on the boot as opposed to the first? Did I somehow shave some minute millimeter off my calf in the last five minutes? What ever. It made no sense whatsoever.

So, I have a pair of CFMB's but I am not sure if I am going to keep them. I think they don't look so great on my legs. Most of it is because I hate my legs and the other part is that my calves are so thick nothing looks good on them, other than covering them up. I was seriously considering emptying a bank account to finance some lipo on my calves because that was the only option I had, over than literally slicing off part of my calves, which could be messy and rather painful. I put the boots back in the box to decide whether I should keep them until later.

Well, I went to see the sports med doctor Monday because I messed up my knee back in August. I asked him how much of my calves was fat and how much was muscle. Surprisingly enough, he said my calves have a large amount of muscle and very little fat. Finally, a part of my body with more muscle than fat. He said I can thin out my muscle, but for the most part, I will never have cute, dainty calves like all the other girls. I have the calves of a pro-bowl linebacker, which will serve me well when I am stuck in the mountains while competing on Survivor Ireland... yes, there are mountains in Ireland, however, it means I will never be a footwear model. Oh well, there is more to life than modeling shoes. The sports med doctor saved me from having lipo that wouldn't have done anything for me.

I am still on the fence about the CFMB's. I will let you know how things turn out. But for now, I am crossing it off my list. TTFN, Diva

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